I've moved it to http://sociopants.wordpress.com/
Why? because I'm a pain. No no, just kidding.. oh wait, who am I kidding, I am so.
Anyhow.. see you there.. c'mon.. go now.. there's new blogs.. yes, really.. ok, 1...2....3.... *click*
The chronicle of one woman's attempt to change her life... or at least laugh at the lack of progress ....
I come from a very active family. My dad has always been a runner. My sister runs marathons. My other sister and mother also work out on a regular basis. I, on the other hand... am highly irregular. I have less willpower than Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, Homer Simpson with beer... Joan Rivers with plastic surgery... you get my point. I have been a "workout chick" at one point.. after my second child was born... I literally worked my butt off at the Y.. but as a result I was "too" skinny.. (see picture) at least that's what people tell me.. I look too... "pointy".. plus, I had no boobs...
I was on the track team when I was younger.. but I pretty much hate running. Yes, I know...feel better/look better. I've owned expensive pieces of workout equipment that later became pithy clothes hangers.. I've MANAGED fitness clubs.. I've done the aerobics, weight training, walking... YMCA, Curves, GoodLife... ladies gyms, co-ed gyms.. you name it. But for some reason I just will pretty much think of any excuse to NOT go. The most exercise I seem to be getting these days is surfing the web... so... needless to say this is not reflecting well on my ever expanding ass.
Plus, as I may have mentioned, I lack the willpower. I would seriously consider being hypnotized to gain such a power as to say NO to the little voice in my head that tells me that making potato pancakes at 11pm is a good idea....but... I love the food. *sigh* But there comes a time.. usually around bathing suit season... when a girl tries on her capri pants and comes to the realization that she would much prefer wearing the cute little outfits over the stretchy "eatin' pants"...
So, today... will be "tomorrow". I will get back on the proverbial horse and work out today. I will walk the dog, go to the Y, mow my lawn, walk around the block... whatever it takes. I've done it before, I can do it again.. and maybe this time I can "stick" with it..
And I'll get right on that.. right after I finish breakfast... ;)
Life: Still trying to sell my house. Wanna buy it?
Love: I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me.
Pants: See above. I've been a slacker. Getting back at it. (I KNOW I keep saying this... but I MEAN IT THIS TIME. LOL)
Mind you, I do have my moments when I dress a little better.. wearing a skirt or kilt or something pretty.. and generally low cut.. But thats not a daily occurence.
So when I have my choice, I like to just be.. comfy.. and honestly, I think it takes some guts to go to the mall in my sweats, no make up and bad hair. Mind you, I'm pretty sure this is affecting my ability to attract hot guys.. but as long as I'm comfy.. and happy...
Hmmm...maybe I should look into a makeover.. or quite possibly, an intervention..
Life: More on that later.
Love: I think I need to stop wearing the workout wear .. out.
Pants: Again. Just say no to the workout pants in public.
And the list goes on... nothing too traumatic or awful. Guys who expected me to pay. Guys who were just jerks. One guy who told me I was "bite-able" But mostly just a "not clicking" kind of thing. But I've had good dates too - the ex and I went to the movies and mini golfing on our first date.. Fernando and I went out for dinner. The "good" parts of both were the conversation.. that's what made it fun.
As I said, I'm a brain girl.. I like smart and funny.Blake told me just a fraction of his life story.. he's done a lot. He describes his life as "one incredible adventure after another". And he means it. From the little I know, his life has been filled with many hardships.. as have many others...but somehow, he's managed to turn that around and use those experiences to make something GOOD happen, help others and make his life richer in many ways.
When Blake and I talked, he discussed how he felt his life is guided by a higher power and he knew he was supposed to be in Saskatchewan this particular weekend. He hadn't found his "why" yet, but he would.
He also told me about the book he's written... "If you THINK.. You Can Do It!" It's his philosophy.. or one of them anyway.
If you think you can do it then do it you will.
And when you do do it you'll know when it's done,
That just in the doing is most of the fun.
What is the “it” that you wanted to do?
That you just didn't try, and you can't explain why?
Sit and think for a second, a minute, an hour.
When you do the things you do who gives you the power?
The book was written as a childrens' book.. aimed at encouraging children to TRY and to use the power of positive thinking.. however.. he told me that he'd heard from people who had given this to adults who said it was the push they needed. He promised to give me a copy the next day. And he did.
I've read books by various motivational speakers, positive thinkers and the like. Usually I get hyped up for a few days .. likely just a few hours.. but it doesn't have any long lasting effect. I eventually revert back to where I was. But reading Blake's book .. makes it sound so simple. And I think it truly is. If you truly believe in something.. in yourself.. you can do it. But if you don't even try, you'll never know.
Sometimes you may stumble. You may even fall.
But you'll get to the top in spite of it all.
Life will be all that you think it can be.
And all that you think will be all that you see.
Blake found out why he was supposed to be in Saskatchewan last weekend. And I think I did too. And I think I just saved about $3,000 in Tony Robbins seminars.....
Here is where you can buy Blake's book: If You THINK.. You Can Do It
I only put in a couple of verses from the book.. but regardless.. it's from "If You THINK... You Can Do It" by Blake Emmons, Pacific Institute Publishing. Seattle WA..all rights reserved and all that jazz.
Life: Interesting. Taking a lesson from Blake.. Just waiting for the next adventure
Love: We'll see. But I know it's out there!
Pants: Back at it this week. I think I can do it!
I got to the centre and head up to the Jack Pine room to set up my fancy ass powerpoint presentation that I've worked ever so hard on... and there's no projector. I had asked for a projector to hook into my computer.. and was told there was one. Not in this room anyway. I ask one of the staff there.. and she tells me, no, they do not have a projector.. just an overhead. Grrrrrrrrrrreat. I can't do anything other than laugh. It just figures. Well, I set up my computer so that hopefully people can see it (thank goodness my screen is 17 inches) and go to get a coffee. It was somewhat better than the coffee at the hotel so it cheered me up slightly. I go over my presentation and.. wait. So far, I'd had the hair incident, the ride incident and now the projector. I am feeling a wee bit like these are bad signs...
Blake arrives and I briefly show him my powerpoint. Basically, he says.. I should do my presentation and he'll have a story for whatever I'm talking about. He really does, too. After all.. he's done a lot in his life.. knows a lot of people.. and has had many adventures. And he holds the Order of Canada.
Essentially, my presentation is about marketing and branding. Companies use branding all the time to market their "product".. but I find that artists confuse what their "product" IS.. It's NOT the CD... it's themselves. I basically ask them a bunch of questions about what makes them unique... assuming that every single act is on the same playing field, why should your average country listener want to be their fan instead of the next guy? I also give suggestions about how once they know who they are and what their brand is.. how to market that without spending a lot of money.. basically using social media (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace...).We had a lot of great questions and from everything we heard after the fact, people enjoyed the seminar and got something out of it. Answered a lot of questions, gave out some contact information.. My "work" here is done. The day certainly went a lot better than it seemed like it might.. (did that make sense?)
I headed back to the hotel to get ready for the President's Dinner - which Blake was hosting. Once I'm back in my room I attempt to do some stuff on the internet, but unfortunately the connection SUCKED. Checked with the front desk and they suggested I move rooms to the lower floor. I check out the "new" room with my laptop... and it IS a new room!! It's all refurbished and pretty! Yes, the internet is WAY better here! (actually it was, but I had already decided that even if it wasn't, I was moving.. bad internet is way more acceptable in a pretty room...)
The dinner was a ton of fun.. I got to see some great people that I hadn't seen in YEARS.. the Cockrum sisters, for example.. who did a fabulous job singing the grace.. just beautiful. Got to see my buddy Dave Baker.. who picked up a few awards. George Canyon performed, among many others.. lots of SK artists sang and were awesome.. and of course Blake hosted and was hilarious fun. It was a good night!
But the best part of the evening - aside from having my picture taken with a mountie and the Cockrums.. oh, and the fact that I ate a ton of roast pork.. was that I could finally relax and know that I did a pretty good job. Maybe I'm on to something... ?
Life: Having fun!
Love: I love roast pork, the people of Saskatchewan, and public speaking.
Pants: Nope, I wore a kilt. And then a long skirt for the dinner..