During the day there was a Gospel Brunch with many performances (I could NOT haul ass out off bed to be there at 8.30 AM.. I just couldn't). I did manage to get to the songwriters performances later in the day and saw some cool people perform... J.J. Voss again, Cody Prevost...George Canyon.. Jay Semko (he was in the Northern Pikes.. he sang "Girl With A Problem".. and I'm pretty sure he was looking at me...)
Went to the hotel.. got some food (a LOT of food.. they let me get tons at the Ukranian Buffet and take it to my room!! hurray!) and got ready for the show.
The show started at 7... George was hosting. It was really a terrific show.. lots of great musical performances ... happy award winners (Including my super cute and talented friend Darlene Tuleta! yay! FEMALE VOCALIST OF THE YEAR!)
Monday.. Michelle and I headed back to Regina. Didn't see anything super unusual other than when we stopped for gas I noticed bait in the fridge right beside Haagen Dazs. Delish. I'll pass.
Got back to town and opted for a "staying in" type of night... got some wine.. just chillaxin'. Michelle still wasn't feeling well so we were taking it easy.
THEN.. got a call from my real estate agent.. THERE'S AN OFFER ON THE HOUSE! FINALLY. Did paperwork in Saskatchewan and scanned and sent back. The magic of technology (more on the house thing later...)

Tuesday.. didn't do much of anything other than computer stuff, try to write some blogs and get ready to go home. Michelle took me to the airport late that afternoon.. my flight left at 6:15pm... not getting back to Toronto till 11ish but that's ok... I had a little tiny TV to keep me company. And yet another guy who snored.
So, the weekend was good. It was fun to get away, meet some new people and discover some stuff. Always great to hear live music.. and make new friends. But, the bottom line for me is.. there's no place like home. Wherever that may be.... now that I've sold the house.... but that's another story....
Life: Things are moving forward. House is sold (conditionally) and looks like I'll be out of Barrie soon.
Love: Nothing to report at this time.
Pants: I have been a complete slacker yet people are telling me I look good so I'll stick with that.
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